Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Studying the Solar System

We have had a really fun time studying the solar system and learning more about being an astronaut.  The kids absolutely loved this site, which features many videos of astronauts in space showing how they do everyday things, like brush their teeth and eat lunch.  It is really fascinating!  We also made these cute art projects, and wrote what our favorite part about being an astronaut would be. 
We are studying the planets, and each child will choose one planet to write about in an eBook that we will make.  While Bearret was at home recovering from surgery, he wrote about the solar system and also created this awesome PlayDough model.  Super job, Bearret!  The kids loved it, and we are excited to use some images of the PlayDough planets in our eBook!
A huge thank you to Coen's mom, Mandy, for bringing in astronaut ice cream for the kids to try.  We ate the astronaut ice cream and regular ice cream, then graphed our favorites.  We also wrote describing words about the astronaut ice cream, and talked about why we did or did not like it.  These fun ideas were from Babbling Abby's 1st grade blog.

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